Careers in conservation & the environment


Why would you want to advertise with NZ Conservation Jobs?  The quick answer is that our specialist service reaches the right audience.

We’ve got thousands of subscribers to our email and social media feeds, all looking for their dream job.  Many of our job seekers are already employed in a conservation-related field and will have skills relevant to your vacancy.  Most of our job seekers are New Zealanders but we also have a useful selection of Australians, English and others.

Standard listing

Advertising a single standard job vacancy costs NZ$140 incl GST. The job will remain listed on our site and appear in our email newsletter until the closing date or for a maximum of 30 days.

Featured listing

In addition to the above, the featured listing has different styling and stays at the top of the current job listings for the entire listing period.  All yours for just NZ$160 incl GST.


We offer discounts for pre-paid bundles of advertisements – 10 (10%), 25 (15%), or 50 (20%). Enquire today at

What you get

Jobs posted on our website are immediately visible to visitors to the site and are also available in our RSS, Twitter and Facebook feeds.  While jobs advertised in print media are only displayed on the day of insertion, on NZ Conservation Jobs the advertisement is displayed until the position closes or up to 30 days and included in our weekly email to subscribers for the duration of listing.  See our terms and conditions for the rest of the fine print.

What should I say?

The advertisement should not be the entire formal job description, but rather a short statement of what the job involves, the necessary qualifications and what key skills, competencies and experience are required.  It must include;

  • the job title
  • the employing organisation
  • the location where the position will be based
  • the closing date for applications (although ‘when suitable applicant is found’ is OK)
  • contact details or a website where extra information about the job and organisation can be obtained
  • The first paragraph should sum up the job, as it’s this that gets shared in the email and facebook ahead of the ‘read more’.

Optionally, you can also provide;

  • Salary range ($x-$y pa or $/hr)
  • A logo (jpg, png or gif).  Ideally we’d like two formats, a wide one with a transparent background for the bottom of the post and one that we can use as a square thumbnail (200×200 px) in the index.  Don’t fret if you can’t supply this, Google can usually provide.

When will my job appear?

Unless you specifically ask us not to post the job until a particular date, your vacancy will be posted on our website within 24 hours to maximise exposure of your vacancy to our users. It will run until the closing date of the vacancy or for a max of 30 days.  Provided your job has been posted to the site by Monday then it will also appear in our weekly email newsletter which is sent out every Tuesday morning.

Advertise now!

So, enough of the mucking about – get your details together and email it to us today at;